4 teaching tips for the first day of school

For many students, changing teachers and years can be incredibly stressful and daunting, so doing what you can to make their first day that little bit better can go a really long way in setting the foundation for a great school year! Ensuring your students are fully set to hit the ground running as soon as they walk into your classroom is one of the best things you can do as a teacher to start the year off on a positive note.

At EPSL, we’ve been printing school supplies like exercise books, personalised exercise books and supplementary reading materials for schools and pupils for almost 50 years now! We’ve been working with and around schools for just as long, so we’ve picked up a few tips and tricks for creating a welcoming classroom environment over the years. So, with that in mind, here are four simple things you can do as a teacher to ease the pressure of the first-day jitters for your class!

4 teaching tips for the first day of school

Introduce yourself as their teacher

Icebreakers are a great way to start the year and get your class talking. It's essential to get your class chatting and opening up so you can learn more about them as children. This foundational knowledge of your new class will create the building blocks for your student/teacher relationship. Every child wants to feel seen and heard and is far more likely to try if they feel like you're investing in them.

However, this goes both ways; as much as you're trying to grapple with the task of putting 30 new names to faces, your students will be eager to learn about their brand-new teacher. A great way to start the icebreakers is to lead with your example, putting together a short PowerPoint all about you as a teacher with fun stories about their year's teacher. Highlighting your favourite subjects and what you're looking forward to experiencing with your new class over the school year will help your students get to know you as you get to know them.

Establish Your Seating Plans

Letting your students choose their own seats might sound like a great idea, but for the first few months, it's ideal to have one in place. Some students are shy and might not know where to sit or lack the confidence to ask another student. Having a seating plan eliminates this awkwardness, preventing situations where a student is left unsure where to sit or is told that a seat is being saved for a friend. A planned seating arrangement altogether removes this anxiety for your students and puts everyone on equal footing; it may even inspire some new friendships!

Once you have a sense of your student's strengths and weaknesses academically and socially, you can go ahead and rejig your seating plans to balance the classroom so your students can work together to help each other.

Always call your students by name

A fun and arty activity to do with your students on the first day is to have them make and decorate desk nameplates. These can easily be made by folding some cardboard in half and writing their name on it, which they can then decorate to show their personality. Not only is this a fun way to start the day, but you can also start using your students' names from day one; it'll help you pick their names up quicker and help them feel more familiar with you as a teacher. Calling your students by their names helps them to feel seen, and if they feel seen, they're more likely to participate.

Provide the best learning tools

The best tools provide the best results, and this is the case in nearly every setting; it’s certainly the case for your students. If you provide your students with the best learning materials, it’ll undoubtedly have an effect on their learning. At EPSL, we pride ourselves on our personalised exercise books, vocabulary books and supplementary reading materials.

We offer a range of colourful and sturdy children's books designed to support their learning and build confidence. Our books are manufactured right here in the UK using robust, quality materials to ensure they last the whole year and beyond. What's more, we put an extra focus on efficiency, so on many occasions, we can even provide a 48-hour dispatch turnaround time so you can get what you need, even at short notice!

These are just a few of our suggestions, we’re sure you have plenty of your own methods for your classroom! At EPSL, we know how hectic the start of the school year is, so if you'd like any more information on our personalised exercise books, vocabulary books or any of our other school supplies, don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly team on 01254 686 500. We're always happy to help!

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