What exercise books do I need for my first day of primary school?

As is so often the case with school holidays, the days have been whipping by at an incredible pace. With the start of the new term rapidly approaching on the horizon, you’re probably already midway through your preparations for that fateful first day back. And one of the most important things you’ll need to have sorted are, of course, the correct exercise books. No worries there – we’ve got you covered here at EPSL. You’ll find all the school exercise books you need right here on our site; here’s what to have ready on the first day!

What exercise books do I need for my first day of primary school?

Lined exercise books

Lined notebooks are one of the single most versatile exercise books around. They’re used for a diverse range of subjects, from English to history and geography, so you can never have too many on hand. Here at EPSL, we provide a range of lined exercise books with a variety of different line spacings, enabling you to cater to pupils of differing ages and writing abilities. Whether your class are jotting down notes on important civilisations from history, or they’re practising their creative writing skills, a high quality lined exercise book will be invaluable for their learning.

Handwriting exercise books

These are specifically designed for pupils who may still be practising their handwriting, often younger students. Much like regular lined notebooks, the pages of handwriting exercise books are characterised by a series of evenly spaced lines. However, handwriting notebooks also include a small number of additional lines to provide extra guidance for children still improving their handwriting, helping them to achieve more consistent neatness and accuracy, and building their confidence in the process.

Squared exercise books

These are sometimes referred to simply as maths exercise books - for obvious reasons! In much the same way as handwriting exercise books above, squared exercise books help guide students towards neatness and accuracy when drawing up tables, graphs and charts. And for older students with a more advanced understanding of mathematical principles, squared exercise books can be invaluable for helping them to compile data and statistics.

Exercise Books

Half lined, half blank exercise books

We know, we know - it’s not a terribly vibrant moniker, but it’s certainly a functional one! The blended structure of these pages makes them useful for a range of subjects like science, music, art, or design technology, all of which often require students to use a mix of imagery and writing to convey their ideas or findings. They can also be used to great effect in a number of other subjects, such as history - students can illustrate their understanding of a historical scene or event, and use the lines underneath to explain in more detail about what’s happening. It all depends on what you’ve got planned for your lessons, so in many ways, it’s up to you!

Plain exercise books

Plain exercise books can be useful in a variety of subjects, but they’re undeniably best suited as sketch pads for classes like art, or design technology. They’re also fantastic for any special projects or classes where students are encouraged to freely express their creativity, such as school trips or sessions with visitors.

Tinted exercise books

Unlike the other notebooks we’ve covered so far, tinted exercise books aren’t a separate type of exercise book in and of themselves, but rather a useful customisation option that can be applied to all other kinds of exercise books. This is exactly where our personalised exercise books can come in handy. Personalising your notebooks has a varied range of advantages, such as helping you to reinforce the unique values and culture of your school. Even more importantly though, research has proven coloured exercise books to be exceptionally helpful when teaching pupils with special educational needs, so it’s definitely always worth bearing in mind!

That’s the essentials covered! If you ever need any help or advice, or you’re looking for a particular type of exercise book for school, we’re always on hand to help here at EPSL. With more than 40 years of experience behind us, we’re top of the class when it comes to producing resources and learning solutions for schools, so you can count on us to provide answers in as much or as little detail as you need. Feel free to give us a call on 01254 686 500!

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