3 fun ways to bring Spring into the classroom

Now that the daffodils are blooming, the days are longer, and we’re almost halfway through April, we can finally say Spring has sprung (or, at least, it’s trying to)! At EPSL, we love Spring. With its arrival comes a wealth of fun and exciting learning opportunities you can bring into your classroom to be on-theme and teach your students something new that helps them connect with nature in a fun way while reinforcing the academic skills they need. Let’s take a look at a few of them!


3 fun ways to bring Spring into the classroom

A Spring reading corner

One of many student's favourite places in the classroom is the reading area; it's where all the fun and exciting books are. And what better way to help introduce them to all things spring-related than by setting up your very own spring-themed book nook? This crafty little DIY activity can be done in very little time and is a fun surprise for your students to return to after the weekend or even from a lunchtime break.

Fill the space with books on all things nature-related, and supplementary reading materials on plants, animals, and gardening. Even picture books and stories that tie into the theme can find a home here. It's a fantastic way to keep your students' minds sharp even when they're not in lesson time. To make it cosy and inviting, add some soft cushions or bean bags, as well as blankets in cheerful spring patterns and colours. You can also involve your students in creating some spring-inspired decorations to complete the look!

Fun nature-inspired science experiments

A great way to engage your students in springtime is by providing hands-on science lessons. This not only enhances their knowledge but also makes learning more enjoyable. You can plan some really exciting yet still educational science activities around spring that get everyone involved, such as growing plants and flowers from seeds, watching the transformation of caterpillars into chrysalises and then butterflies or studying worm farms and ant farms, and any other related activities that allow students to observe the circle of life. It's an opportunity to teach scientific concepts in a fun and practical way.

Spring-themed arts and crafts

For a bit of creative fun, encourage your students to get artistic and create vibrant, spring-themed artwork of flowers and animals using various supplies like paints, pens, and coloured pencils you will already have to hand in the classroom. Another fun activity is to head outside to collect leaves from the playground or school fields and use them to create vibrant leaf print collages. Once finished, display their artwork around the classroom to brighten up the space!

However you choose to bring spring into your classroom, at EPSL, we have the tools and supplies you need to make it both fun and educational! We’re a trusted partner of many schools, specialising in producing personalised exercise books and learning solutions for schools. With over 40 years of experience under our belts, we are experts in our field and are always on hand to help. If you have any questions about any of our products, you can get in touch with our friendly team on 01254 686 500!

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